IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China
7–9 August 2024 // Hangzhou, China

Prof. Tony Quek

Biography: Tony Q.S. Quek received the B.E. and M.E. degrees in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology, respectively. At MIT, he earned the Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Currently, he is the Cheng Tsang Man Chair Professor with Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Head of ISTD Pillar, and Director for Future Communications R&D Programme. He is currently serving as an Area Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. He is a Fellow of IEEE and a Fellow of the Academy of Engineering Singapore.

Talk Title:
A Pathway towards Future Network Intelligence with RAN Intelligent Controller
Talk Abstract :
The RAN intelligent controller (RIC) is cloud native and a central component of an open and virtualized RAN network. The RIC enables the deployment of machine learning and AI techniques to optimize resources and services in the RAN. Thus, it is an important component that brings intelligence, agility, and programmability to the radio access network. Current RIC comes in two forms, each adapted to specific control loop and latency requirements, namely, near real-time RIC and non-real-time RIC. In this talk, we will share how RIC can customize RAN functionality by optimizing radio resources. Furthermore, we will also share some initial work in this area through Singapore’s first national Future Communications Research and Development Programme (FCP).


