IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China
7–9 August 2024 // Hangzhou, China
Ubiquitous Communications @ Future

Call for Demo Proposals

The Demo Competition is the most eye-catching event during ICCC 2023. We believe it will also be the hot event at ICCC 2024! The Demo Competition aims to provide an open venue for demonstrations of prototypes and systems for the latest communication and networking technologies. Meanwhile, to better facilitate technological research and the interchange between academia and industry.

The Top 2 demos will be awarded a "Best Demo Award" certificate by the conference officially. A panel of judges will be selected by the conference committee and will examine the interactivity, quality and attractiveness of the demos. Expected demo categories include but are not limited to:

  1. Live Demo: it is encouraged to set up a live demo system with hardware and software at the conference venue.
  2. Remote Demo: the system that requires remote support, wide area or cloud-based system.

Please note that the video-only demos are NOT eligible for consideration in this session


The demo proposal must be submitted online via EDAS. The technical scope of proposals should be relevant to the topics of ICCC 2024 including main conference, symposiums and workshops. Proposals are recommended to include the following information, but are not expected to be long papers:

  1. Title of demo.
  2. Authors' names, affiliations, contact information (Email is mandatory).
  3. Abstract of less than 150 words.
  4. At least one figure describing the demo.
  5. Physical venue requirements such as power supplying, space/height etc.


At least ONE author of the accepted proposal is required for full-registration. The demo will take place during tea breaks, lunch breaks and throughout the day. At least one author will be required to demonstrate live for audiences. The author is kindly advised to provide a poster or banner no larger than 2m x 1m beside but no need to attach in the proposal file.

EDAS Submission Link:


Authors whose papers had been accepted with the ICCC 2024 (including main conference, symposiums and workshops) are welcome to submitted demo proposal PARALLELLY. The accepted paper authors is not need to register repeatedly. Please submit the proposal according to the guidance above.


Submission Deadline: 12 July 2024 13 July 2024
Acceptance Notification: 20 July 2024


Wei Yu (General Test, China.
Shen Yan (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd, China.


Please do not hesitate to contact the demo Co-Chairs if you have any questions regarding the demo.



