IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China
7–9 August 2024 // Hangzhou, China

Prof. Khaled B. Letaief

Biography: Dr. Letaief is an internationally recognized leader in wireless communications and networks with research interest in artificial intelligence, task-oriented and semantic communications, tactile Internet, and 6G systems.  He is a Member of the United States National Academy of Engineering, Fellow of IEEE, Fellow of Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, and Member of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences. He is also recognized by Thomson Reuters as an ISI Highly Cited Researcher and was listed among the 2020 top 30 of AI 2000 Internet of Things Most Influential Scholars.

He is the founding Editor-in-Chief of the prestigious IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.  He is the recipient of many distinguished awards and honors including the 2024 Purdue University Distinguished Engineering Alumni Award; 2022 IEEE Edwin Howard Armstrong Achievement Award; 2021 IEEE Communications Society Best Survey Paper Award; 2019 IEEE Communications Society and Information Theory Society Joint Paper Award; 2018 IEEE Signal Processing Society Young Author Best Paper Award, 2016 IEEE Marconi Prize Paper Award in Wireless Communications, 2011 IEEE Harold Sobol Award, and 2007 IEEE Joseph LoCicero Publications Exemplary Award.

He is well recognized for his dedicated service to professional societies and in particular IEEE where he has served in many leadership positions. These include the IEEE Communications Society President, the world's leading organization for communications professionals with headquarter in New York City and members in 162 countries. Since 1993, he has been with HKUST in Hong Kong where he has held many administrative positions, including Acting Provost, Dean of Engineering, and Head of the Electronic and Computer Engineering department. 

Dr. Letaief received the BS degree with distinction, MS and Ph.D. Degrees in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University at West Lafayette, Indiana, USA.  He also received a Ph.D. Honoris Causa from the University of Johannesburg, South Africa.

TitleTowards a Sustainable AI-NATIVE IMT-2030

Abstract: In today's digital era, wireless mobile technology has emerged as a foundational platform driving the digital transformation across diverse domains. Looking towards the future in the 2030s, the advent of 6G technology holds immense potential to revolutionize connectivity on a global scale. With its primary focus on hyper-connectivity, ubiquitous access, and unprecedented communication services, 6G aims to surpass the capabilities of its predecessors.  Envisioned to enable terabit data rates and ultra-low latency in the microsecond range, 6G sets its sights on seamless integration with cutting-edge technologies such as AI, quantum communication, holographic communication, and augmented reality. This places 6G at the forefront of innovation, representing a new frontier in wireless communication. Its ambition lies in redefining the wireless communication landscape by emphasizing native intelligence, personalized services, adaptive networks, and seamless resource sharing. The integration of AI and machine learning will play a pivotal role in realizing this transformative vision for 6G.
In this talk, we will delve into the vast landscape of opportunities, challenges, and enabling technologies associated with 6G and IMT-2030. Our focus will be on providing insights into the future of wireless communication and guiding research efforts towards the realization of connected intelligence. By highlighting ongoing industry and academic endeavors in this field, we will shed light on emerging technologies such as edge AI, semantic communications, and generative AI. These groundbreaking solutions hold the promise of extending the boundaries of connectivity and unlocking new possibilities.  Through our exploration, our aim is to convey the immense potential of 6G and its pivotal role in shaping a connected and sustainable future for all along with a truly interconnected world.


