IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China
7–9 August 2024 // Hangzhou, China
Ubiquitous Communications @ Future

Intelligence-native and Cooperation-native RAN for 6G

Time: 7th Aug 13:30-15:00

Location: Diamond Ballroom 5/Zuanshi Hall 5

Keynote speech:

1. 13:30-14:00: When FD-RAN Meets AIGC Towards 6G: Opportunities and Solutions

Speaker: Haibo Zhou, Nanjing University


1. 14:00-14:15: Trans-LSTMNet: An Approach of Optimization with Multi-Domain Features for CSI Feedback

Authors: Daren Feng; Jin Xu; Xiaofeng Tao

2. 14:15-14:30: Transformer-Based Adaptive OFDM MIMO Equalization in Intelligence-Native RAN

Authors: Zihang Song; Yuan Ma; Chaoqun You; Haoxuan Yuan; Jinbo Peng; Yue Gao

3. 14:30-14:45: Multi-level Collaborative Defense Strategies Against Malicious Traffic in Wireless Edge Networks

Authors: Zhen Yin; Wei Wang; Xiaozhen Lu; Zhisheng Yin

4. 14:45-15:00: FedLSTM Based Cooperative Weather Prediction in RAN

Authors: Olebogeng K. Joel; Sanqiu Liu; Qiang Li; Xiaohu Ge 


