IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China
7–9 August 2024 // Hangzhou, China
Ubiquitous Communications @ Future

Empowering Wireless Communications and Networking with Generative AI

Time: 7th Aug 13:30-15:00

Location: Diamond Ballroom 4/Zuanshi Hall 4

Keynote speech:

1. 13:30-13:50: AIGC for Wireless Sensing

Speaker: Shiwen Mao, Auburn University, USA


1. 13:50-14:00: Joint Power Allocation and Reliability Optimization with Generative AI for Wireless Networked Control Systems

Authors: Xudong Wang; Lei Feng; Fanqin Zhou; Li Wenjing

2. 14:00-14:10: Enhancing Virtual Coupling Train Sets Communication via Generative Diffusion Models: A Data-Driven Approach

Authors: Zijie Ye; Li Zhu; Jia Miao; Hongli Zhao

3. 14:10-14:20: Delay-aware Parallel offloading AIGC Service in Edge Computing

Authors: Weizhe Zeng; Jie Zheng; Hai Wang; Qian Sun; Rui Cao; Shuo Ji; Jie Ren; Ling Gao

4. 14:20-14:30: Enabling Trustable Financing A Verifiable Privacy-preserving Cross-chain Protocol

Authors: Lou Lidu; Wenbin He; Xiangyun Tang; Yang Yiying; Tao Zhang; Yanyu Cheng; Xu Cai

5. 14:30-14:40: Edge and Terminal Cooperation Enabled LLM Deployment Optimization in Wireless Network

Authors: Wentao Zhao; Wenpeng Jing; Zhaoming Lu; Xiangming Wen

6. 14:40-14:50: Multi-device Cooperative Fine-tuning of Foundation Models at the Network Edge

Authors: Hai Wu; Xu Chen; Kaibin Huang

7. 14:50-15:00: A Physical Layer Security Algorithm for IRS-Assisted MIMO Communication Networks via GDM

Authors: Zheng Liu; Jing Zhang; Yuhao Guan; Yang Yang





