IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China
7–9 August 2024 // Hangzhou, China
Ubiquitous Communications @ Future

Data-Model Integration (DMI) for Wireless Advancements

Time: 7th Aug 13:30-15:00

Location: Diamond Ballroom 2/Zuanshi Hall 2


1. 13:30-13: 45 : Hop-based High-Value Information Underwater Wireless Sensor Routing Protocol

Authors: Chen Yan; Mu Yao Yu; Yun Li

2. 13:45-14:00: MMPNet: DL-based Low Complexity Precoding for Massive Multiuser MIMO Systems

Authors: Jiayi Xu; Long Zhao; Fangyi Yu; Yan Zhao; Hongrui Shen

3. 14:00-14:15: Optimizing Aol in RIS-aided Wireless Powered Communication Networks

Authors: Huimin Hu; Qiuyu Yu; Haizhou Tang; Ruichen Zhang; Yuanqing Li

4. 14:15-14:30: ldentification and Classification of 5G-R Interference Signals: A Transformer-based Approach

Authors: Ying Zuo; Xiaofang Sun; Yuan Liu; Zhangdui Zhong


