IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China
7–9 August 2024 // Hangzhou, China
Ubiquitous Communications @ Future

Aim at First 6G Release: From Theory to Standards

Time: 7th Aug 13:30 – 15:00

Location: Diamond Ballroom 1/ Zuanshi Hall 1

Keynote speech: 

1. 13:35-13:55: Key technologies and standard timeline of 6G radio access network

Speaker: Shan Yang (China Telecom Research Institute)

2. 13:55-14:15: Technology Trends on the Road to 6G

Speaker: Chien-Sheng Yang(MediaTek Inc)


1. 14:15-14:25: Service Fluctuation Mitigated Energy and Effective Computing Contract for Distributed Computing Network

Authors: Shoufeng Wang; Ye Ouyang; Fan Li; Jianchao Guo; Xuan Chen; Lexi Xu; Zhongke Zhang; Lianhua Zhang; Limeng Ma; Xinzhou Cheng

2. 14:25-14:35: FlexCP: Standard-Compatible Flexible Sensing

Authors: Songqian Li; Shuqiang Xia; Yihua Ma; Zhongbin Wang; Dawei Chen

3. 14:35-14:45: Research on end-to-end delay measurement analysis path in 5G network environment

Authors: Hao Wang; Yongtao Chen; Guoyi Zhang; Zhu Hailong; Liuyang Shi; Yushi Ling

4. 14:45-14:55: Exploration on potential applications of ProSe

Authors: Qin Zeng

5. 14:55-15:05: Analysis of 6G Potential Use Cases and Service Requirements in 3GPP

Authors: Yuying Zhang; Yinglin Chen; Menghan Yu; Xu Xia; Biao Long


